Trần Thị Ngọc Trang , Đỗ Anh Quân , Nguyễn Hồng Ngoan , Phạm Ngọc Trâm , Đỗ Lê Hạnh Trang , Dương Thị Ngọc Diệp * & Hoang Quang Binh

* Correspondence: Dương Thị Ngọc Diệp (email:

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Pitaya production has been increasing, that offers abundant material for food processing. New product development would greatly add value for this produce. The present study focused on the effects of spray-drying conditions such as coating material concentration and spray-drying temperature on the physicochemical characteristics of red-fleshed dragon fruit powder made from peel and flesh. The sample quality was influenced by two experimental factors, which were the maltodextrin concentration and the spray-drying inlet temperature. The samples spray-dried at 140oC to 150oC with 15% maltodextrin (w/w) gave the powder with the highest betacyanin, polyphenol, and vitamin C retention results (97.62 - 98.86%, 90.66 - 91.63%, and 63.40 - 63.68%, respectively). The moisture content, water activity and solubility of the sample was 3.88% to 4.27%, 0.26 to 0.28 and 99%, respectively. Red-fleshed dragon fruit powder made from flesh and peel has numerous potentials in the beverage industry.

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