The Journal of Agriculture and Development

●The Journal of Agriculture and Development (JAD) is a peer reviewed journal publishing novel and significant research in a wide range of topics such as Agribusiness and Economics, Agricultural Mechanics, Agronomy and Forestry Sciences, Animal Sciences, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Biotechnology, Environmental and Natural Resources, Food Science and Technology, and Veterinary Medicine. The JAD is an open access journal that includes primary research, review articles, short communications, and special invited papers. We also publish special issues which focus on the current emerging topics in agricultural sciences.

●The JAD (the formerly named Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology) is published in 6 issues per year (4 issues in Vietnamese with English abstracts and 2 issues in English). The journal has published over 19 volumes since 2002. From 06/2018, the Journal started to publish online issues in two languages (English and Vietnamese).

●Period of publication: Issue 1 (FEB), Issue 2 (APR), Issue 3 (JUN, English), Issue 4 (AUG), Issue 5 (OCT), Issue 6 (DEC, English)

●The Journal's number of articles per issue ranges from 6 to 12.

●Publisher: Nong Lam University, HCMC (NLU)

Identification of sanchi samples based on DNA barcodes

Dong T. Pham, & Phong V. Nguyen
Electronic version: 21 Jun 2024 | DOI: 10.52997/jad.3.01.2024
Abstract | PDF (517K)


For centuries, sanchi has been used in traditional medicine in East Asian countries to promote health and fitness. To identify and distinguish sanchi from adulterants, this study was conducted to determine the sequence of four DNA barcodes. The PCR products of the four barcodes were 330 bp (rbcL), 822 bp (matK), 484 bp (trnH-psbA), and 438 bp (ITS1). Genetic relationship analysis showed that the four DNA barcode regions had high similarity with other Panax species. Three barcodes, matK, trnH-psbA, and ITS1, confirmed that the studied samples belonged to Panax notoginseng, distinguished from Panax pseudoginseng, and can be used to identify Panax notoginseng.

Bacterial species causing subclinical mastitis in dairy cows: rapid identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing

Son H. Ly, Tuan T. Pham, Han M. N. On, Bao D. Truong, & Thuong T. Nguyen
Electronic version: 21 Jun 2024 | DOI: 10.52997/jad.3.05.2024
Abstract | PDF (518.8K)


This study aimed to determine subclinical mastitis (SCM) caused by bacterial species, using chromogenic culture media and to assess the antimicrobial resistance rate in the isolated bacteria. From March to December 2023, 143 milk samples were collected from 71 Holstein Friesian cows with SCM across seven dairy farms in Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong province. Milk samples were incubated in triplicate chromogenic culture media to identify SCM caused by microorganisms. Our study revealed that 39.2% (56/143) of the samples had the growth of a single morphology, 26.6% (38/143) exhibited growth of two distinct morphologies, 9.0% (13/143) were found to be contaminated, and 25.2% (36/143) showed no growth. The isolated Streptococcus species were Strep. agalactiae 34.3% (49/143), Strep. uberis 22.4% (32/143), and Enterococcus spp. 1.4% (2/143). Besides, S. epidermidis 20.3% (29/143), S. saprophyticus 14.7% (21/143), and S. aureus 4.2% (6/143) were frequently isolated among Staphylococcus species. For gram-negative bacteria causing SCM, E. coli 2.8% (4/143), Klebsiella spp. 1.4% (2/143), and Pseudomonas spp. 4.2% (6/143) were the most isolated. Regarding antimicrobial susceptibility testing, the resistance rate of each bacterial species to each antibiotic tested differed for Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and gram-negative bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus was not resistant to gentamycin, florfenicol, and marbofloxacin. The resistance rate of S. epidermidis to gentamycin, florfenicol, trimethoprim sulfadiazine, and amoxicillin-clavulanic acid varied from 10.3% to 17.2%. Marbofloxacin and trimethoprim-sulfadiazine were excellent choices in treating SCM caused by S. saprophyticus because of their low resistance rate (10.3 - 13.3%). Streptococcus uberis was sensitive to the combined antibiotic amoxicillin-clavulanic acid. The resistance rate of Strep. agalactiae to this combined antibiotic (amoxicillin-clavuclanic acid) was the lowest (10%). Pseudomonas spp. was resistant to the tested antibiotics. Our study suggests that identifying bacterial species and conducting antimicrobial susceptibility tests play a crucial role in improving the treatment effectiveness for bovine SCM.

Snail composition and its cercariae in rice field of Hoc Mon district, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Thien C. Pham, & Quyen T. Duong
Electronic version: 21 Jun 2024 | DOI: 10.52997/jad.3.03.2024
Abstract | PDF (137.8K)


The research on snail composition and their cercariae by morphological analysis method in Xuan Thoi Thuong rice field of Hoc Mon district, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam was carried out in the wet season of August 2022 and the dry season of February 2023. A total of 993 snails were collected and 11 snail species belonging to 9 genera and 5 families were classified. There were 9 snail species collected in the wet season and 7 snail species found in the dry season. Lymnaea viridis and Bithynia siamensis were infected with trematode (cercariae stage) with the combined prevalence of 14.3% and 4.1%, respectively. The other nine snail species had cercariae free. Two cercariae morphotypes were discovered from snails including Xiphidio cercariae and Echinostome cercariae. More research on snails and their cercariae in other waterbodies should be done in Hoc Mon district and other places to identify the snail diversity and sources of trematodes affecting fish culture and human health.

Evaluating the growth performance of all male sex reversal and mixed ser tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultured in earthen ponds in Binh Phuo province, Vietnam

Loi N. Nguyen, Dang H. Nguyen, Nam B. Nguyen, Nhung T. H. Nguyen, & Hien T. Nguyen
Electronic version: 21 Jun 2024 | DOI: 10.52997/jad.3.04.2024
Abstract | PDF (203.9K)


The study was conducted to evaluate the growth performance, survival rate and yield of all male sex reversed and mixed sex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultured in earthen ponds for 180 days. The reversed sex and mixed sex fingerlings (mean weight 7.43 ± 0.35 g) was randomly stocked in six earthen ponds (1,000 m2/pond). The stocking density maintained was 5 fish/m2. The stocked fish were fed a commercial pellet feed containing 35% crude protein. The feeding rate was adjusted according the size of fish, 5% at the beginning to 3% at harvest. Water environment parameters including dissolved oxygen (DO) (4.3 ± 0.8 mg/L), temperature (30 ± 0.7°C), NH3 (0.18 ± 0.2 mg/L), and pH (6.9 ± 0.5) were always within the appropriate range for the normal growth and development of tilapia. The growth rate of sex reversed tilapia was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that of mixed tilapia throughout the experiment. The harvest weight and length of reversed sex tilapia were 410.5 ± 5.15 g and 25.48 ± 0.48 cm, respectively, and were significantly higher than that of mixed sex tilapia (P < 0.05). The survival rates and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of mono and mixed sex were 90.1% and 89.9%, respectively, but no significant differences were observed (P > 0.05). The relationship of fish lengths and weights expressed by power function revealed that the slope of the length weight regression lines was normal for reversed sex (2.72) and mixed sex Tilapia (2.93) with the high correlation coefficient (> 0.9). The findings of this study demonstrate that reversed sex tilapia has better growth performance compared to mixed sex tilapia. Therefore, reversed sex fingerlings should be used in commercial farming to increase tilapia production.

Investigation of small-scale farming status of Tire track eel (Mastacembelus favus) in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Nhi H. Y. Nguyen, Hang T. T. Nguyen, Hanh T. B. Nguyen, Van T. T. Phan, Thang D. Tran, Man V. M. Ho, & Lan T. Trinh
Electronic version: 21 Jun 2024 | DOI: 10.52997/jad.3.02.2024
Abstract | PDF (780.2K)


Tire track eel (Mastacembelus favus) is an economically important freshwater fish in the Mekong Delta. However, there is a lack of academic information about the current farming status, feed, and feeding related to this species in the region. Therefore, a field survey of small scale farming of tire track eel was conducted in An Giang, Dong Thap, Hau Giang and Kien Giang provinces of Vietnam. The objective of the survey was to determine the current farming practices information on households, especially the feed and feeding status of tire track eel in order to improve and develop a suitable feed for this fish in the future. The results showed that most of the small-scale farmers cultured fish in earthen ponds with or without plastic liners. Tire track eels were fed with feeds of other species and typically fed 3 - 5 times/d during the fingerling stage, and twice per day during the grow-out period. In terms of feed ingredients, crude protein contents in the feeds were 39.5 - 45.5% while crude lipid contents were 7.7 - 12.7%. Feed conversion ratios of tire track eels were 2 - 5. The farming periods of fish were 11.8 - 14 months when the fish reached the harvesting sizes of 318.2 - 421.4 g/fish, with the survival rates of 40 - 80%. It took 2.5 months to cultivate the fingerling stage (around 3 g/fish) from the fry with the survival rate of 55.7%. It was reported that this species was raised with a simple technique and got less illness compared to other fish species. However, the main reason of fish deaths during farming period related to management factors such as poor water quality due to decomposition of uneaten feed in water or lacks of dissolved oxygen due to high stocking density or power supply failures.
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  • Field assessment of the efficacy of M.B., LIBDV and Winterfield 2512 strain vaccines against infectious bursal disease in chickens
    Electronic version: 31 Dec 2018 | DOI: 10.52997/jad.3.06.2018
    Abstract | PDF (260.1K)


    Live virus vaccines are very important parts of the prevention of Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) in chickens. However, the successful IBD vaccination depends on IBD field pressure, vaccination technique, the immune status of the chicken, and especially IBDV strains used in the vaccines which are able to break through a higher level of maternal-derived antibodies (MDA). The objective of this field study was to compare the efficacy of a new vaccine based on M.B. strain to other commercial vaccines (LIBDV and winterfiled 2512) in terms of speed of antibody immune response and interference to Newcastle Disease (ND) vaccination. Six houses of broilers, each with 15,000 to 16,000 chickens, were divided into two groups: (1) vaccinated with M.B. strain (group A) and (2) vaccinated with LIBDV or 2512 strains (group B). Blood samples were collected prior to the 1st IBD vaccination, and at 21, 28 and 35 days of age for IBD and ND antibodies. Comparison of lesion scores and uniformity of the bursa of Fabricius (BF) at 28 and 35 days of age was carried out. Results showed that both groups had good immune responses, but group A showed significantly higher IBD antibody titers at 28 and 35 days of age. Antibody titers for ND and histopathological lesion scores of the BF were not significantly different between the 2 groups. The BF in group A was more uniform and had fewer lesions when compared with that in group B. In conclusion, the IBD vaccine with an M.B. strain can provide better immunological efficacy than LIBDV and 2512 strains.
  • Influence of stocking density on water quality and growth performance of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) reared in fiberglass tanks, without water exchange
    Electronic version: 27 Dec 2019 | DOI: 10.52997/jad.3.06.2019
    Abstract | PDF (3.4M)


    The present study evaluated the effects of stocking density on water quality parameters, growth performance and survival rate of white leg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, reared in fiberglass tanks, without water exchange. Three stocking densities (50, 100 and 200 shrimp/m2) were tested. Each treatment consisted of three replicate fiberglass tanks (500 L). The shrimp were fed ad libitum four times per day with a commercial pellet (40-42% protein). After an 8-week trial, concentrations of nutrients in the culture tanks showed an increasing linear relationship with increasing stocking density. The growth performance of shrimp in low stocking densities was significantly greater than that in high stocking densities. The results from this study demonstrate that with increasing the stocking density the production of shrimp increased but n a low final weight and survival compared to low stocking density.
  • Fish composition in Dong Nai biosphere reserve in Vietnam
    Electronic version: 27 Dec 2019 | DOI: 10.52997/jad.5.06.2019
    Abstract | PDF (317.1K)


    Dong Nai biosphere reserve (DNBR) is well known for its high level of biodiversity and of global meaningful ecosystem. The fauna includes 84 species of mammals belonging to 28 families, 10 orders; 407 bird species; 141 reptile and amphibian species; 175 fish species; 2,017 insect species. The fish fauna of DNBR maintains many rare and endangered fish species recorded in the Vietnam red book and international union for conservation of nature red list (IUCN's red list) such as Scleropages formosus and many other rare fish species, such as Morulius chrysophekadion, Chitala ornata, Probarbus jullieni, Cyclocheilichthys enoplos... This study was aimed to identify fish composition distributed in DNBR. After the sampling period (01/2019 to 08/2019), a total of 114 fish species belonging to 11 orders and 28 families were recorded in DNBR. There were 09 species of fish on the list of rare and endangered fish species of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, 3 species (Chitala ornata, Cosmochilus harmandi and Hemibagus filamentus) on the Vietnam red list book; 01 species (Ompok bimaculatus) on the IUCN's red list, 11 exotic species, 78 commercial species and 13 species having potential as aquarium fish. In addition, the study also found the first presence of a species of phallostethid, Phenacostethus smithi in DNBR.
  • The use of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) in domestic wastewater treatment
    Electronic version: 28 Jun 2018 | DOI: 10.52997/jad.7.03.2018
    Abstract | PDF (260.1K)


    The main objective of this study was to examine the efficacy and capacity of using hydroponic systems in municipal  pollutant removal at household scale. Three pilot scaled hydroponic systems [dimensionfor each system: 4.5 m (L) x Φ 114 mm] were installed to investigate the optimal age of vegetable, planting density and retention time for household wastewater treatment, respectively. Water spinach (Ipomoeaaquatica) planted in 27 plastic cups throughout 4.5-m-length and 114- mm-diameter uPVC pipes filled with wastewater was employed as the treating agent of pollutants. The averaged influent contained proximately 32.5 mg/L suspended solids (SS), 76.0 mg/L biological oxygen demand (BOD5), 220.5 mg/L chemical oxygen demand (COD), 26mg/L NH4+, 5.0 mg/L NO3−, and 8.5 mg/L PO43− at pH 7.3. Results showed that a designed system consisting of 10 plants of 15-day-old water spinach pre-planted in baked clay in each cup was capable oftreating 30 L of domestic wastewater meeting the current municipal wastewater discharge standards in Vietnam (column A standards of QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT) after 4 days of wastewater retention time. Ifoperated under conditions of the above parameters, the pilot-plant hydroponic system can achieve the removal of 65% SS, 82% BOD5, 74% COD, 90% NH4+, 30% NO3− and 86% PO43−. The result of this studyhas provided an applicable domestic wastewater treatment system ecofriendly and suitable for small and medium household areas.
  • The effects of plant spacing on yield and quality of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) cultivated in organic-oriented farming system on grey soil
    Electronic version: 30 Jun 2020 | DOI: 10.52997/jad.2.03.2020
    Abstract | PDF (260.1K)


    Clitoria ternatea L. is a plant species that can be used in food and pharmaceutical industry. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different plant spacing on the productivity and quality of butterfly pea grown on grey soil in Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City. Six treatments correspond to plant spacing of 80 x 15 cm, 80 x 20 cm, 80 x 25 cm, 80 x 30 cm, 80 x 35 cm and 80 x 40 cm. The results showed that the highest flower amount (296.8 flowers/plant) was obtained with butterfly pea planted at the spacing of 80 x 15 cm, commercial flower weight (7.86 g/100 flowers), theoretical yield of fresh flower (1,779.0 kg/1,000 m2, actual yield of fresh flower (841.9 kg/1,000 m2), theoretical yield of commercial flower (194.6 kg/1,000 m2 and actual yield of commercial flower (89.0 kg/1,000 m2. Nevertheless, plant spacings did not affect the dry matter ratio, anthocyanin and tannin content in the commercial butterfly flowers.