Thinh V. D. Nguyen * , Vy T. H. Nguyen , Nhi T. C. Bui , & Diem T. N. Phan

* Correspondence: Nguyen Vu Duc Thinh (email:

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This study explored the potential and challenges of community based ecotourism in Thanh Phu district, Ben Tre province, Vietnam. By investigating 52 households involved in community-based ecotourism through the Participatory Rural Appraisal method and semi-structured interviews, it outlined the transformative impact of community-based ecotourism on the local community. The research underscored positive outcomes in economic growth, social equity, and cultural preservation while highlighting the imperative need for prudent management to mitigate environmental concerns and prevent unsustainable tourism growth. It advocated for a balanced approach that integrated economic development with environmental and cultural preservation strategies. The findings emphasize the importance of tailored solutions to navigate challenges and foster sustainable community-based ecotourism, ensuring long-term prosperity while safeguarding the district’s natural and cultural treasures.

Keywords: Ben Tre, Community-based ecotourism, Ecotourism development, Thanh Phu

Article Details


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