Them V. Nguyen *

* Correspondence: Nguyen Van Them (email:

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The objective of this study was to construct standing stem and commercial timber volume functions at the individual tree level of Melaleuca cajuputi plantations. The insidebark and outsidebark stem volume functions were constructed from 56 sample trees at the diameter classes of 4 to 16 cm. The appropriate volume functions are tested from five candidate functions. The applicability of the volume functions were tested from 10 trees that were not included in the construction of the volume functions. The research results showed that the function V = a + b(D2 * H)c was a suitable function to build the insidebark stem volume function of Melaleuca cajuputi. The function V = a + b(D2H) + c(DdHe) was a suitable function to build the outsidebark stem and commercial timber volume functions of Melaleuca cajuputi. The volume functions gave errors less than 5.0%. Compared with the insidebark stem volume, the average ratio for the outsidebark stem volume, insidebark and outsidebark commercial timber volume, and bark volume was 65.7%, 95.2%, 60.6% and 34.3%, respectively.

Keywords: Bark volume, Insidebark stem volume, Outsidebark stem volume, Melaleuca cajuputi plantation, Stem volume function

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