Hiet D. Hoang * , Phuong T. B. Nguyen , Trinh T. T. To , Lam V. Tran , Man T. T. Le , Tuan Q. Huynh , Bich T. Thai , & Dan T. Vo

* Correspondence: Hoang Dac Hiet (email: hoanghiet.ahrd@gmail.com)

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The study on General Combining ability (GCA) of 15 cucumber in-bred lines (I5) was carried out at the Research and Development Center for High-tech Agriculture, Ho Chi Minh City. The objective of the study was to identify the appropriate parental lines for producing F1 hybrid cucumber cultivars. Experimental materials included 15 cucumber inbred lines (I5) (L3, L9, L21, L22, L28, L32, L33, L36, L39, L61, L63, L69, L71, L74 and L78) and two test lines (T1 - TN 456 from Trang Nong Company, imported from Thailand and T2 - Cuct 1450 from Chia Tai - Thailand), forming 30 hybrid combinations by the method of topcross. The results showed that seven inbred lines including L3, L9, L21, L28, L33, L61 and L71 had high ability to combine with both T1 and T2 tester lines abby fruit yield with GCA index from + (0.8) to + (9.4). Evaluation of 30 cucumber hybrid was combinations on the growth and fruit yield characteristics showed that L28/T1 and L71/T2 hybrids were significantly different from other hybrids with high yields of 43.1 tons/ha and 41.3 tons/ha, respectively.

Keywords: Cucumber, Cucumis sativus L., General combining ability (GCA), Yield

Article Details


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