Production of protein powder from salted duck eggs white
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The objective of the research was to determine process conditions to pro-duce protein powder from salted duck egg whites based on the two main steps including precipitation of the protein from egg white and drying the protein. Optimization for process parameters of protein’s precipitation and drying were carried out by Response Surface Design method with the results obtained from the experiment. Basing on the determination of the limits of studied factors, defining the regression and choosing the optimal parameters for precipitation and drying processes. The result of optimal protein precipitation was the ratio of water/salted duck egg white: 3.5/1, the temperature of 80oC and precipitation time of 60 minutes with the process yield was 9.63% and the salt separation was 19.61%. The result of optimal drying process was the drying temperature at 75oC, material density: 0.35 g/cm2(wind speed of 0.64 m/s and drying time of 4 h) with the product solubility of 11.05%, the water content of 8.19% and aw of 0,476. Verifying the defined regression equation and experiment showed the different level is less than 5%, the defined regression equation is valid and has the potential to apply in production.
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