Thanh T. Le * , PHONG N. LE , Phuoc H. Le , Tri t. M. Le , & Trang T. T. Nguyen

* Correspondence: Le Thi Thanh (email:

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Sprouting garlic is considered as a high phytochemical product that exerts health benefit. This study aimed to develop spouting garlic powder from Phan Rang garlic. Three sprouting methods, including growing in the soil, water immersion under ambient temperature and incubating at 10oC were investigated. The results showed that sprouting on the soil was the best method, characterizing sprouting garlic with the sprouting length of 39.6 mm, total soluble solids of 17.1oBx, total acidity of 0.56%, moisture content 74.51%, and recovery rate 28.2%. The inhibitory ability against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides of fresh garlic sprouted in the soil had been evaluated. The results showed that the extract at the concentration of 5,5% was the most effective, indicated by completely inhibiting Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. To produce sprouted garlic powder, three drying methods, including heat-pump drying, air drying and freeze-drying, were examined. The freeze-drying method was the most appropriate method to produce sprouted garlic powder with high nutritional value and the least changes of physicochemical properties. The powder obtained from this method showed a high inhibitory ability against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (88% and 100% inhibition at 1.5 and 2% sprouted garlic, respectively)

Keywords: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Garlic powder, Heat-pump drying, Sprouted garlic

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