Oanh T. H. Bui , Khang H. Pham , Khanh N. Dinh , Thuc T. Nguyen , & Thuong T. Nguyen *

* Correspondence: Nguyen Thi Thuong (email: thuong.nguyenthi@hcmuaf.edu.vn)

Main Article Content


The study was conducted to evaluate urologic diseases in dogs in Ho Chi Minh City, from June 2022 to September 2022. The cases were collected based on medical history, physical examination and subclinical diagnosis. A total of 591 dogs surveyed, there were 87 cases which related to urinary system prolems, including 13 cases related to kidney and 74 cases related to lower urinary tracts. The common urologic diseases were cystitis with 37 cases (42.53%), followed by 29 cases of cystolith (33.33%), 5 cases of nephrolith (5.75%) and 5 cases of bladder polyps (5.75%). Female dogs had a higher proportion than male dogs (72.41% in female and 27.59% in male). Dog breeds did not affect the urologic diseases prevalence, with 68.97% in foreign dog breeds and 31.03% in domestic dog breeds. The age group 4-7 year-old accounted for 25%, which was the highest in all age groups. Meanwhile, it was just 3.33% in puppy under 1 year-old group. The common clinical signs were haematuria (21 cases), frequent urination (19 cases), and anorexia (18 cases) with 20.79%, 18.81% and 17.82%, respectively. There were 68 cases treated with drug therapy and 19 cases treated with both drug therapy and surgery. Results of blood physiological and biochemical indocators which related to urological diseases were creatinine (1.63 mg/dL), urea nitrogen huyết (47.55 mg/dL), aspartate transaminase (150.60 U/L) and alanine aminotransferase (115.80 U/L). The increased CK (617.30 U/L) showed that dogs with urological problems also had muscular and cardiac problems. The most common diagnosic imaging methods were ultrasonography and radiography.

Keywords: Dogs, Ho Chi Minh City, Urologic diseases

Article Details


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