Linh D. T. Truong * , & Thy N. Nguyen

* Correspondence: Truong Do Thuy Linh (email:

Main Article Content


As one of the first unit in Vietnam which got cadastral database, so the database of district 6, Ho Chi Minh City is quite limited in terms of building process, content and data structure. The database does not comply with the current regulations of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and not synchronized with cadastral database of other localities. The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Natural Resources and Environment (2014) concluded that these limitations led to difficulties in managing, exploiting and sharing their cadastral database. The research aimed to the needs of society in reality and local characteristics in managing, exploiting and sharing cadastral database. As the study identified the advanatages and disadvantages of the current database and proposed appropriate solutions to complete this work for District 6 in particular and Ho Chi Minh City in general. The new database improved the efficiency of cadastral database in land management and other related fields. The results of this study can be applied to completee and manage cadastral database in the citywide centralized model that is potential in contributing to the e-government and modern land administration system in Ho Chi Minh City.

Keywords: Cadastral database, Exploiting, Information system, Managing, Sharing

Article Details


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